Firefight Global Rankings

Rankings Calculations

Players Factions
# Name Events Podiums Ranking Score
1 Richard Laking 1 1 47.00
2 Matt Pope 1 1 44.06
3 Frantic Gamer 1 1 41.13
4 Ian Rodger 1 0 38.19
5 David Fletcher 1 0 35.25
6 PAR 1 0 32.31
7 Daniel Graves 1 0 29.38
8 chris pope 1 0 26.44
9 neil sparrow 1 0 23.50
10 Matthew Green 1 0 20.56
11 Adam Dennis 1 0 17.63
12 Ben Hart-Shea 1 0 14.69
13 Nelvis Presley 1 0 11.75
14 Tony Ringrose 1 0 8.81
15 2 0 0.00

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