Kings of War Event: A Fabian Offensive '25
Date | Saturday 22nd Feb 2025 |
Season | 2025 |
Format | 1495 points / 4 rounds |
Location | Crookes Social Club 125 Mulehouse Road, Sheffield, S10 1TD, United Kingdom |
Link | Link |
Tickets | 16 available |
Price | £20 |
Tournament Live Link
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Welcome Back Generals!This time 4 games at 1495 points.
I have capacity for 16 places.
I have capacity for 16 places.
£20 gets you a spot
Crookes Social Club is a licenced premises, please arrange your own designated driver. (Bar serves at 11am. approx.)
Crookes Social Club is a licenced premises, please arrange your own designated driver. (Bar serves at 11am. approx.)
Food will _not_ be provided however there are many great places to grab food close to the venue.
1. Yes 1495 point - (theres an unlock on the Masters Ranking for doing an event under 1800 points "Keepin it Small", this is your chance to get it ticked off.
2. Four yes 4! game, 16 players will get us one glorious undefeated player.
3. £20 yes I know, I will be trying to improve my prize pool, last time I was fortunate and had a big helping hand from @manticgames I don't want to fall short
4. Yes, I hope to give you side quests for round spot prizes again.
5. The event will not be using Command Dice.
6. Scenarios 1 Progressive Scoring, 1 Area Control, 1 Objective and 1 Token based.
No results have been submitted for this event.