Kings of War Event: ÖRB WARS 2 - TEAM EVENT


Date Sunday 21st Jul 2024
Season 2024
Format 2300 points / 3 rounds
Location Herrengasse 11, 7553 Bocksdorf
Link Link
Tickets 20 available
Price Give what you want



ÖRB WARS 2 - 20th & 21st of July 2024


The second installment of our Kings Of War tournament entitled "ÖRB WARS" will be held in the midst of the idyllic countryside of Burgenland / Austria known for its wineries & thermal baths..


Besides our infamous wizard toad trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & last places there will be awards for best painted & best sports. Winners will also be rewarded with mantic vouchers & hobby items 😀


We will provide catering with a meal, softdrinks & beer for "give what you want" prices 🥳


Saturday, 20th of July 2024: single player tournament




Sunday, 21st of July 2024: team event

The 2nd day of the event is reserved as a team event - 2300pts/3games/3players per team 

It is optional to attent both or either of those two days

No tickets for the team event remaining 🫤


Reservation at:


Instagram: @talesofawrin 


[email protected] 





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