Kings of War Event: Winter's Crown III
Date | Saturday 10th Feb 2024 |
Season | 2024 |
Format | 2000 points / 5 rounds |
Location | Matarankatu 4, Jyväskylä |
Link | Link |
Link | Pack Link |
Tickets | 12 available |
Price | 15 euros |
Tournament Live Link
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10.-11.2.2024 “Winter’s Crown III Kings of War -tournament @Jyväskylä, Finland - 2000 pts
The winds of winter wind through the woods and wolds of the Middle Country, covering the vales in a blanket of snow and driving the villagers into their huts and hovels. But alas, twice as merciless is the bloody grip of war, as armies march to bloody battles in the heart of winter. The War of the Winter’s Crown is about to begin!
General information
Winter’s Crown III is a 2000 point Kings of War Tournament in Jyväskylä, Finland. The tournament takes place at the Matarakatu 4 Command Center of Jyväskylä Miniature Gaming -club from Saturday to Sunday (10.-11.2.2024).
Winter’s Crown III is a five round tournament, three on Saturday and two on Sunday. If necessary, transportation within the town and accommodation with local gamers can be arranged free of charge. On Saturday evening there will be a sauna, beers and pizza for those who’ve a mind for some R&R.
Newcomers are welcome, and shouldn’t get spooked by the word “tournament”, you can be sure to pick up some moves as you go!
10:30 Arrivals
11.00 1st Round: Hold the Line!
14.00 Lunch break 15.30 Awards & tidying up
15.00 2nd Round: Stockpile!
18.00 3rd Round: Raze!
9.30 4th Round: Push!
12.30 5th Round: Pillage!
15.30 Awards & tidying up
Armies & rules
Winter’s Crown III uses the latest Clash of Kings-updates and open army lists.
Army size is 2000 points. Allies are allowed up to 25%.
The Withdraw-rule is in use.
For the most distinguished players, awards will be handed out as follows:
Winter’s Crown
The player who conquers the largest chunk of areas during the tournament wins the Winter Crown. Areas are claimed as follows:
Win a round +3 areas
Draw +2 areas
Loss +1 area
Kill 1000+ pts +1 area
Scenario points +0-1 area
Best Painted
The most beautiful army shall be awarded, based on a closed ballot voting.
The Wooden Spoon
The Wooden spoon award will be handed out to the player who most courageously guided their troops to utter destruction. It is, as customary in Finland, a bag of sweets.
Sign ups & entry fee
Sign ups either through Mantic Companion or
Entry fee is 15 euros, but a lower cost of 10 euros for the members of JMG ry.
Tournament extra rules: Strategic locations
As scoring is counted through areas claimed, these claimed areas also can confer a one-time special benefit that the player can choose to use. Each player can only be in possession of one of each specific bonus at a time.
Harbor +1 to counter placement roll
Road +1 to deployment roll
Castle +1 to start roll
Watchtower Reroll the roll for the 7th turn
Forest Counter the use of any special benefit