--Blaine's Entourage - Deadzone

The Warmonger 

The Council’s orders were clear; Blaine was expected to dirty his own hands and lead the fight himself. Certainly, the highly irregular situation of being in direct communication with a member of the Council had played to his ego, but Blaine was no fool.

Pacing irritably, he considered the possibility that the uneasy feeling of being deceived could just be the creeping paranoia that comes when you’re the most formidable and notorious outlaw in the GCPS, but still…

The task itself was simple: fan the fires of malcontent, and from that draw out the Rebellion. Acutely aware that it might very well be the Council’s hope that it would be their last dealing with him, Blaine begrudgingly dons his best armour and gathers his most capable mercenaries around him.


An exceptional bounty hunter, who seeks out neither money nor fame, but rather the thrill of the hunt being his prime motivation, Hund has been in the employ of Blaine many times. As such, Hund and Blaine have developed a mutual reliance on each other – Blaine, conscious of Hund’s devastating ability and determination, can rely on a ruthless assassin with a flawless success rate, and Hund, for his part, understanding Blaine will favour him with the most high-profile contracts. 

But, with his past ties to the Rebellion, can Hund be trusted? For who could argue that Blaine himself would not make the most thrilling quarry of all?


One of Blaine’s closest mercenaries of late, the creature Leesh’Ma is a nightmarish addition to the Entourage.

Taking a perverse pleasure in torturing and slaying threats and targets with a disconcertingly unnatural ease, the creature’s ability to teleport and jump into and out of this dimension has proven itself time and again as the most efficient method of neutralising Blaine’s foes.

In an act of duplicity that perhaps the misleading Koris themselves would appreciate, Blaine considers Leesh’Ma his final insurance policy – if the Council proves to be untrustworthy and attempts to double-cross him, this portal-spinner would make an impressive bargaining chip; after all, stable portal technology is worth a hefty sum to the right (or wrong) customer

Kizai Uru

Haughty and aloof, Kizai Uru does not believe there is a path to enlightenment. Having gazed into the never-ending darkness at the very edge of the galaxy, all he saw was bleak emptiness.

Consequently, in his covetous arrogance, he concluded that rather than use the superior knowledge of his race to guide and protect those in need, he would seek to use it instead to exploit them.

Through his gift of meditation, Kizai Uru is able to heal wounds and even cure diseases. For those who cross him, death arrives swiftly with the simple utterance of a word. Miracles perhaps? All it takes is a continuous flow of credits and a willingness to pander to Kizai Uru’s ever more expensive tastes.

To Blaine, this matters not. Kizai Uru’s psychic abilities are more than worth the small fortune that Blaine can easily afford. With such phenomenal powers at hand, he can mercilessly crush his foes or have himself and his Entourage concealed from their numerous enemies.


Cyborc is an experimental unit from the Mazon Labs reanimation department, ‘acquired’ by a contact of Blaine’s. Understanding the potential for this bodyguard, Blaine installed a bootlegged version of an AI in the hopes to run the unit for himself.  The result was mixed, and reduced the unit to a combat only weapon, but that has its uses too, and on occasion Blaine can be seen tipping the odds in his favour by bring along his “Experimental Cyborc”.

His usual confidence restored, Blaine steels himself for the journey to Tersia Prime. A storm is surely brewing, and he pities any reckless imbecile who dares cross him.


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