Armada Event: Czorne Wody 5


Date Saturday 18th Nov 2023
Season 2023
Format 230 points / 3 rounds
Location Katowicka 6, Chorzów
Link Link
Link Pack Link
Tickets 16 available
Price 10€



Czorne Wody 4 - Silesian Tournament of KoW: Armada

Piąty Śląski turniej Kings of War: Armada. W założeniu “Czorne Wody” to mini święto Armady, gdzie gracze z całej polski mogą poprzestawiać stateczki w luźnej, przyjaznej atmosferze. Kładziemy nacisk na przyjemną grę w doborowym towarzystwie. Zapraszamy!

Data: 18 Listopad 2023
Start: 10:00
Katowicka 6, Chorzów, Poland
Organizator: Maciej Kulesza
Sędziuje: Maciej Kulesza (participating, but excluded from taking physical prizes)
Koszt: 30 PLN (40PLN after 1 Listopada)


Zapisów dokonujemy indywidualnie poprzez kontakt z organizatorem, za pośrednictwem Facebook: lub drogą mailową na adres e-mail [email protected] tytułem "Czorne Wody Name Surname".

W odpowiedzi na zgłoszenie organizator prześle numer konta, na które należy wpłacić odpowiednio 30zł do 1 Listopada (włącznie), lub 40zł po tym terminie.

W celu finalizacji zapisu i rezerwacji miejsca należy dokonac przedpłaty na wskazany numer konta, tytułem “Czorne Wody Imię Nazwisko”, oraz dodać kod turnieju do listy w programie Mantic Companion.
Kod Turnieju: 


Uczestnicy konstruują listy w programie Mantic Companion, a następnie dodają kod limicie 230pkt. Zabronione są: Fliers, Fortifications, Generic Ships, Magic, Ocarina of Korgaan.

Każdy uczestnik zobowiązany jest przynieść na turniej:


Bitwa Pierwsza - Smuggler’s Run  (mod)  10:10-12:10

Players deploy in the South-West and South-East corners as shown above, 18” apart.
No terrain should be placed within 6” of the Rendezvous area.
The wind starts the game blowing from the South.

Victory Conditions
The game lasts 6 Turns. At the end of turn 6, reveal the loot counters that were assigned to each ship. Add up the total loot for the ships that are at least partially within the Rendezvous area.
Players score:
1VP for each loot counter in the Rendezvous area.
3VP for the player with the highest value of loot counters within the Rendezvous area.
2VP for the player who did not lose any loot counters, or 1VP for each player with neither lost any loot counters.

The winner is the player with the most VP.

Scenario Rules
Each player has one 2 point loot counter, two 1 point loot counters, and two 0 point loot counters. Players assign loot tokens to a ship of their choice by placing the loot tokens
face down on the corresponding ship card. No ship may carry more than two loot tokens.

If a ship is destroyed, any loot counters assigned to it are lost.

Bitwa Druga - Icy Waters (mod) 12:20-14:20

Players roll off and the winner sets up their entire Fleet within 14” of any chosen map corner. The opponent then sets up their Fleet 14” from the opposing map corner.
Roll a D6, on a 1-3, the wind starts from the West, on a 4-6, it starts from the East.

Victory Conditions 

The game lasts 6 Turns. At the end of the game, both players total up all the points values (including upgrades) of their opponent’s ships that have been destroyed or surrendered to get their final score. Ships that left the table in the final Turn, or that have taken more damage than half their starting SPs, are worth half their points in this calculation. 

Players score:
1VP (max 4VP) for each full 30pts. of enemy destroyed/surrendered ships.
1 VP (max 4VP) for each full 30pts. difference between the final score (for example player A destroyed 135pts vs player B 45pts, +1VP for Player A).
2VP for the player who destroyed more ships.

The player with the most VP is the winner.

Scenario Rules

Drifting Icebergs plague this area, jagged tips breaking the surface of the water and hinting at the hidden threat to any ships sailing nearby.

At the start of each Turn and before the wind roll, randomly select a player to place one 40mm wide Iceberg token anywhere on the board, but no closer than 1” from any ships and terrain. Once the Iceberg token is placed the opposing player can reposition it up to 2” away but no closer than 1” from any ships and terrain.

Icebergs block visibility through and over them, and block movement through them. Ships can try to Evade Icebergs but with a -1 modifier. Ships hitting Icebergs will Collide with them (see page 20 of the main rulebook).

Bitwa Trzecia - The Vortex  (mod) 14:40-16:40

Each player has two deployment zones in the corners on their side of the table. Each zone is 9” square. Players should alternate their own deployment between each of their deployment areas so they have as equal a number of ships as possible in each once all are deployed.
Place a 75mm diameter template representing the vortex in the exact center of the table.
Roll a D6, on a 1-3, the wind starts from the West, on a 4-6, it starts from the East.

Victory Conditions

The game lasts for 6 turns. Both players are aiming to harness as much power from the vortex as they can. At the End Phase of each Turn after ships have been dragged (see below), each ship still in play, that has not Surrendered, will score a number of Magic Points based on the ship’s size and proximity to the vortex (measured from the vortex edge), adding to those scored in previous Turns. Ships more than 8” away from the Vortex cannot score. Magic Points are not lost if ships are later destroyed.
XL 6 MP within 4”, or 2 MP within 8”
L and M 3 MP within 4”, or 1 MP within 8”
S and T 1MP within 4”, or o MP within 8”

Players score:
1VP (max 5VP) for each full 5 MP gained.
1 VP (max 3VP) for each full 10 MP difference between the final score (for example player A destroyed gained 30MP vs player B 20MP, +1VP for Player A).
2VP for the player who destroyed more ships.

The player with the most VP is the winner.

Scenario Rules:

The presence of the vortex is causing several problems for safe and predictable navigation.

When rolling for the Wind, if the Wind does not change direction, roll again. The second result stands.

In addition, the waters beneath the vortex have formed into a giant whirlpool. Any ships that are too close will get dragged towards the watery abyss!

In the End Phase, before scoring VPs, check the distance of each ship to the edge of the vortex. Start with the closest ship and work to the furthest. If two or more ships are equally distant, randomise which moves first. Any ship that is within 8” of the vortex will be dragged (and moved) D3” directly towards the center of the vortex (in a line from the center of the ship, to the center of the Vortex). Ships can break grapples to do this and cannot evade collisions with other ships. If a ship collides with another due to dragging, simply stop its movement once it hits the other ship and resolve damage as normal. The ship’s base should retain its same orientation. At the end of each drag move and any potential collisions, Medium, Small and Tiny ships take D3 damage, while Large and Extra Large ships take D6. Grounded ships in range of the vortex will not be dragged, but will suffer D10 damage instead as they are slowly ripped apart.

If any ship touches the vortex for any reason, either during a drag move or during the course of the game, it is immediately destroyed and removed from play! 

A ship cannot be set to Full Speed if it starts its Activation within 8” of the vortex (drop it to Battle Speed if it is at Full). The ship may still alter its Speed as normal beyond this in its Activation.

The vortex never moves, cannot take damage and blocks visibility through it.

Wszystkie stoły zostaną przygotowane przez organizatora. Przestawianie scenerii przez graczy jest zabronione. W przypadku nieumyślnego przestawienia elementów scenerii, gracze zobowiązani są przywrócić elementy na miejsce (w miarę możliwości).


10:00 Potwierdzenie frekwencji.
10:10-12:10 Bitwa Pierwsza
12:20-14:20 Bitwa Druga
14:20-14:40 Przerwa
14:40-16:40 Bitwa Trzecia
16:50-17:00 Zakończenie i rozdanie nagród. 


Parowanie i klasyfikacja końcowa:

W pierwszej rundzie gracze parowani są losowo. w kolejnych grach gracze dobierani są systemem Szwajcarskim, na podstawie sumy TP. TP przyznawane będą w następujący sposób: 

Wygrana 15TP
Remis 10TP
Przegrana 5TP
Dodatkowo gracze zdobywają TP równe ilości VP zdobytych w danej rundzie. (0-10)

O klasyfikacji końcowej decyduje liczba zdobytych TP. 


Punkty Karne:

Na rozegranie rundy turniejowej gracze mają 120 minut. Po tym czasie gracze zobowiązani są podać wyniki prowadzącemu. Niedotrzymanie terminu skutkuje przyznaniem punktów karnych w postaci:

-1TP pierwsze spóźnienie.

-3TP drugie spóźnienie.

-5TP trzecie spóźnienie.

W wyjątkowych sytuacjach gracze dopuszczący się oszustwa, lub zachowujący się w sposób niestosowny, mogą zostać zdyskwalifikowani i wydaleni z turnieju.


Dodatkowe Informacje:

Na turnieju dostępne będa podręczniki Armada, Seas Aflame, oraz Seas of Dread. 


10zł od uczestnika przekazane zostanie na poczet wynajęcia sali. Pozostałe zebrane fundusze zostaną rozdane pomiędzy uczestników w formie bonów do wydania w sklepie Inny Wymiar, oraz nagród rzeczowych, pozyskanych przez organizatora.

Podział nagród nastąpi po zakończeniu turnieju. Tradycją Czornych Wód jest promowanie gry dla samej gry, a zatem najcenniejsze nagrody zostaną rozlosowane pomiędzy uczestników. W przypadku wystarczającej ilości nagród, zostaną one rozdane po jednej na uczestnika, w formie draftu od pierwszego do ostatniego miejsca. 



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