Armada Event: Czorne Wody 4


Date Saturday 30th Sep 2023
Season 2023
Format 215 points / 3 rounds
Location Katowicka 6, Chorzów
Link Link
Link Pack Link
Tickets 16 available
Price 10€



Date: 30 September 2023
Start: 10:00
Katowicka 6, Chorzów, Poland
Organizer: Maciej Kulesza
Judge: Maciej Kulesza (participating, but excluded from taking physical prizes)
Cost: 40PLN (app 10€)


Registration for the tournament takes place using Facebook, via private message to or via e-mail to [email protected] with the title "Czorne Wody Name Surname".

After reporting your willingness to participate you will be provided with payment data, a non-refundable prepayment of 40 PLN should be made to the indicated account.


Participants are allowed to bring one Fleet of up to 215 points. Fliers, Fortifications, Generic Ships are not allowed. Magic**: Only Tier 1 Wizards are allowed. (Tier 2 and Tier 3 Wizards are not allowed.)

Each participant is required to bring:


First Battle - Flotsam and Jetsam  (modified)  10:10-12:10

Each player’s deployment zone is 6” deep and 12” from side table edges. Before either player begins deployment, place a loot counter marked 2 in the exact center of the table. Now shuffle nine more loot counters face down.

These should be: four with a value of 0, four with a value of 1 and one with a value of 2. Players then take it in turns (roll off to see who goes first) to place these outside of deployment zones and not closer than 6” of each other, deployment zones or table edges. The counters should be placed face down so neither player knows their values.
Roll a D6, on a 1-3, the wind starts from the West, on a 4-6, it starts from the East.


Victory Conditions

The game lasts 6 Turns. At the end of the game, both players total up all the value of all the loot counters they have captured on their ship’s cards. 

Players score:
1VP for each loot counter marked 1 they captured.
2VP for each loot counter marked 2 they captured.
2VP for the player with the highest number of captured loot counters.
The winner is the player with the most VP.

Scenario Rules

At the end of a ship’s Activation, it may capture any one loot counter within 3” of it. Simply put the counter, face up, on the ship’s card.

If a ship Surrenders or is destroyed as a result of a Boarding Action, the enemy ship captures all the loot counters the ship had!

If a ship is destroyed or Surrenders for any other reason, all loot counters it had are placed back on the table by the player that lost them, face down, touching the base of the ship (or where it used to be!).

In the End Phase of each Turn, move all uncaptured loot counters 3” directly away from the current position of the wind rose. Stop moving a counter if it contacts a ship, terrain feature or the edge of the table.

Second Battle - A Storm is Brewing (modified) 12:20-14:20


In addition to any terrain, both players place one small rain squall in their half of the table, outside their deployment zone and not within 6” of each other or 6” of a table edge.

Each player’s deployment zone is 6” deep and 12” from side table edges.

Roll a D6, on a 1-3, the Wind starts from the West, on a 4-6, it starts from the East.

Victory Conditions
The game lasts 6 Turns. At the end of the game, both players total up all the points values (including upgrades) of their opponent’s ships that have been destroyed or surrendered to get their final score. Ships that left the table in the final Turn, or that have taken more damage than half their starting SPs, are worth half their points in this calculation. 

Players score:
1VP (max 4VP) for each full 30pts. of enemy destroyed/surrendered ships.
1 VP (max 4VP) for each full 30pts. difference between the final score (for example player A destroyed 135pts vs player B 45pts, +1VP for Player A).
2VP for the player who destroyed more ships.

The player with the most VP is the winner.

Scenario Rules
At the start of each Turn, instead of rolling for the Wind, it will simply move on clockwise to the next point on the compass (e.g. from East to South East). This represents the storm winds slowly circling the fleets as they clash.

After moving the Wind Rose and before any Activations, each rain squall will move. To do this roll a D10. With 1 being North, 2 being North East and so on clockwise round the map, move it D6+2” directly towards that point (for example, if you rolled a 6 for direction and a 3 for distance, the squall would move 5” towards the South West corner).
Re-roll results of 9 or 10 for direction. Roll separately for each squall. If a squall reaches the edge of the table, it will stop. At the start of the next Turn, instead of rolling a die, move it D10+8” towards the exact center of the board. In the End Phase of each Turn, roll 1D10 for each ship inside, or partially inside a rain squall. On a score of 9 or 10, lightning hits the ship and it will suffer D3 damage and will receive a Blaze marker (with any additional damage that also causes).

Third Battle - Blockade  (modified) 14:40-16:40

Each deployment zone is 6” deep along the longest board edge.
Roll a D6, on a 1-3, the wind starts from the West, on a 4-6, it starts from the East.

Victory Conditions

The game lasts for 6 turns. At the end of the game, divide the board into 6 equal sections as shown on the map (i.e. If on a 48” x 48” board, then each section will be 16” wide and 24” long). To claim a section, each player adds up the combined Crew Strength of all their non-Surrendered ships in each section.
Crippled ships have half Crew Strength for this calculation.

Players score:
2VP for each central section they control.
1VP for each other section they control.
2VP for the player with the highest number of controlled sections.
The winner is the player with the most VP.

Pairing and Winning:

For the first battle, players are paired randomly (challenges allowed). In later rounds players are paired according to win / draw/ loss, scenario VP are a tie breaker. 


Penalty points:

There is a total of 120 minutes to play each scenario. Fifteen minutes before the end of the time, players will be informed about the upcoming end of the battle. Players are required to provide the score to the referee before or immediately after the end of the game time.

Players who fail to complete the game within the time limit will be penalized and the game will be over and summed up when the end signal sounds:

-1VP for the first late arrival

-3VP for the second delay

-5VP for the third late arrival

In addition, players may be penalized or removed from the tournament for intentional or repeated rule violations, slow play, reprehensible behavior, or incorrect fleet lists. All cases will be considered individually.


Additional information:

Physical copies of the main Rulebook, Seas Aflame and Seas of Dread will be available at the event. 



10 PLN per participant is split between renting the room and expanding the terrain base of the organizer. The remaining amount goes to the prize pool.

Mantic Games


No results have been submitted for this event.

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